Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Unveiling the Deception: Understanding the Battle for Your Soul

Ever wondered why it's so challenging to discern the truth in a world filled with information overload? Let's reflect on Genesis 3:1 and unravel the deception that has been woven into our lives.

”The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”“

Genesis 3:1 NLT

With so many streams of information available at our finger tips, it’s no wonder it becomes tough to know what to believe or ignore. But take just a second, and note something from the scripture above: the very first thing the devil did when he spoke to Eve was to take what God said and twist it. If you have read Genesis, you know this well. God has created everything, made man (humans) in His image, placed them in the garden and told them to tend it, keep it, and take dominion (authority) over His creation. Yes, God gave us authority over His creation. It was our job to take care of and watch over that which He created, hence us being made in His image and likeness.

They can eat of any tree that bears fruit, EXCEPT for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They are not to touch it or take from it. Enter the devil, aka satan, aka the enemy. To save a lot of time and catch everyone up, satan is a fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven because of pride and his main purpose for his remaining days are to steal, kill, and destroy as many of us as he can. So how does he do it? He takes what God has established and created, and he perverts it. He twists it. He tells half truths to get you to believe something that isn’t true.

Now think about all the things you see going on in the world today, and view it through that lense. Can you see it? The devil takes some things and twists it just a little. Some things a lot. Some things he leaves just enough truth in it to make it seem okay. But a half truth is a whole lie. And just like his first encounter with Eve, he introduces doubt. “God didn’t really say…..” the enemy knows full well what God said, but he wants to see just how well we know what God has said. And that is where he operates the most. Scripture says “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

Here is the truth: we are in the middle of a war, like it or not. No, not the Russia/Ukraine war, not a war in the Middle East, but the war for our very souls. God desires for each and every person to come to know Him through Jesus Christ.

And the enemy? The enemy wants you to be so distracted, deceived, and confused that you don’t even understand what way is up. Why? So you stay separated from the One who made you and seeks to bless you with a life you never thought possible.

“Then why does a good God send people to hell?” He doesn’t. He actually made a way for you to be awakened to the truth, give you power over the enemy, and set you up for not just an eternity in heaven, but a blessed life right now.

It all comes back to choice. That’s why the enemy wants you to think God is oppressive and like a dictator. That following Him means a life of do’s and dont’s. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The very illusion of freedom the devil presents to you is the very thing that enslaves you. We become subject to every desire of our flesh.

Controlled by impulses and emotions. Our love no longer resemble a journey but rather a roller coaster of insanity.

But Jesus said “come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Does that sound like an oppressive and harsh God? No. Because He isn’t. He has nothing but good things for each one of us, but to receive it, we must choose it. We choose Him over ourselves.

Grab hold of this truth: time as we know it is winding down. God is calling you home, into His arms, and to a place in His house. What do you have to lose? Depression? Anxiety? Stress? God is calling you. Answer the call. Break the power of lies and the enemy right now. All it takes is a heart cry to Christ.

Jesus, I believe You are the Savior of the world. I believe You gave Your life to pay the penalty that was mine for my sins. I repent (turn away from) of all my sins and ask You to come into my heart and be my Lord and my Savior. It’s that simple. I pray for anyone who is struggling right now, and encourage you to run to God, not away from Him. He has great things for you. I love you, and more importantly; God loves you. Blessings.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Be Humble

Dive into the transformative power of humility as guided by 1 Peter 5:6-7. Explore the subtle impact of pride on our faith journey and discover the key to true spiritual growth. This blog unfolds the scriptural truth that surrendering to God in all aspects of life, big or small, strengthens our foundation in Him. Join the journey of humble submission, where God's perfect timing lifts us to heights beyond our imagination. Walk the path of abundant life as our Father orchestrates every detail for our good.

”So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.“

1 Peter 5:6-7 NLT

It is incredibly easy to make things more difficult than they need to be. If we’re going to be completely and totally honest, there is one reason: pride. Regardless of how small the situation may be, we like to be able to say “I did it” or “I didn’t need any help.” Think about it; what is one of the first things out of peoples mouths when a goal is achieved, a milestone reached, or a performance won? “You must be so proud!” 

Now don’t misunderstand, there isn’t anything wrong with having a sense of satisfaction or excitement for such things, but pride is something all together different. Satisfaction or gratification is the joy from accomplishing, but pride wants everyone to know “that was all me, look what I did!” But we often blur those lines, and in doing so bring about twisted thought processes in our approach to things. This becomes especially apparent when it comes to our faith. When we said yes to Jesus, the only part we played in being saved is literally saying yes. That’s it. It was everything HE DID that makes eternal salvation attainable. 

And that is why so many of us in the Western church get stuck once we are saved. Everything else has the tendency to take on a “works mentality.” We base our ability to grow in our faith on how much we do for God. But there is no where in scripture that suggests we are to live that way. There is nothing we can do on our own to bring the growth and the maturity God desires. Only He can do that.

And how does it come? Humbling ourselves. Submitting to the Spirit for guidance. Not just in some things, no family, in ALL things. And that’s why things get tricky. We want to just live our lives the way we’ve always lives them, and only allow God to help in the big areas where we can’t handle it. But God isn’t a part time parent, and He isn’t an ATM machine that’s only a part of our lives for the transactions we desire. On the contrary, He is quite the opposite. He wants it all! Every little part of our lives. Every little area we think is unimportant, He wants to be involved in it. Why? Because He wants to make your foundation strong in Him!

If we can’t walk according to His word and His ways in the small things, we will NEVER be able to handle the big things the way He desires. So in our prayer time, let’s ask the Spirit to show us those areas we need to humble ourselves in, and listen to what He has to say. Don’t be discouraged in what He says! He wants you to ask so He can show you where things need to change and bring about the abundant life He has for you! As you do this, HE WILL LIFT YOU UP to heights we could never achieve on our own!! Be blessed as our Father works all things together for your good!!

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

From Lucifer to Redemption: The Power of Choice in the Battle for Our Souls

Before he was known as Satan, he was Lucifer. The highest of all the angels, the most beautiful of them all. He stood before God’s throne. But he became infatuated with himself, his beauty, and decided rather than worship God, he would make himself a throne and set it above God so he could be worshipped. This got him thrown out of heaven. His desire to be worshipped over God. And when he showed up in the garden, what was the first thing he did? Went to Eve and caused her to question what God said. It wasn’t to set her or Adam free, it was to get them to forfeit their authority and separate them from God.

Before he was known as Satan, he was Lucifer. The highest of all the angels, the most beautiful of them all. He stood before God’s throne. But he became infatuated with himself, his beauty, and decided rather than worship God, he would make himself a throne and set it above God so he could be worshipped. This got him thrown out of heaven. His desire to be worshipped over God. And when he showed up in the garden, what was the first thing he did? Went to Eve and caused her to question what God said. It wasn’t to set her or Adam free, it was to get them to forfeit their authority and separate them from God. Cause confusion, divide, and conquer. All for the purpose of defeating us.

Satan knew he couldn’t take our authority, we had to give it up. Don’t get it twisted, he wants us dead. He does not like us, all he wants is for us to suffer his fate: eternity in hell. God is good, and He doesn’t send anyone to hell. It’s actually us who determine where we go. It’s our choice, because if He forced it on us, it wouldn’t be love. Which brings us to this last place: If someone you love was an alcoholic and they struggled mightily with it, and they were so drunk they were in danger of hurting themselves or others, are you going to buy them a drink and encourage them to keep going, or would you be willing to tell them that what they’re doing is going to kill them and they need help, even if that makes them mad? If you love them, you would tell them the truth.

Love isn’t about making sure someone feels good, love is about what’s best for the person. Even if it’s hard to say. You can’t force it, you can’t make them, but you can tell the truth and be completely up front. It’s up to them what they do with it. Same goes with God. He’s given us the Truth and the Way, and His name is Jesus….its up to us what we do with it. Just know that when He comes back, that’s it. There’s no do-overs. There’s no one more chance. He has blessed us with a lifetime of opportunities to choose Him and receive life, or choose what we want and receive death. Choose wisely.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Embracing the Fear of the Lord: A Call to Seek, Spend Time, and Sit at His Table

In the midst of these last days, a profound call echoes: "Seek Me! Spend time with Me! Sit at My table and allow Me to feed you the pure Word and refresh you with living water." In this blog post, we delve into the urgency of hearing His voice with clarity and knowing Him intimately, recognizing that in these times, such intimacy is paramount. Join us in exploring the transformative power of entering into the fear of the Lord, where He reigns supreme, guiding us into the fullness of His will.


In these last days being able to hear Him with complete clarity and know Him intimately is the only thing that matters. It will be from that place that the Lord uses us to accomplish His will. There is no amount of thinking and guessing and planning that will accomplish that which He desires to do. This push is different than any other move of God. We can have burning hearts and great revelation of the Word, but if we do not allow the One who wrote the Word and is the Word to speak to us and lead us, we will fall short. Plain and simple. This comes from entering into the fear of the Lord. That place where He reigns supreme because of the understanding that the only One who has the power to give life and ultimately take it is in control and desires for us to be a part of what He is doing. This must be at the forefront of our lives. That reverential, raw fear of understanding Who exactly it is we are communing with. He has great and mighty works He desires to do, but there is no longer just skating by with doing things as they have always been done or the way we know to do them. Those things are only a starting point, not what will carry us through. Before we run anywhere else we must discipline ourselves as disciples to first run to Him and allow Him to point us in the direction He has for us to go. Everything we do must come from our encounters with Him. We run to Him and let Him tell us what to do. Nothing more. Nothing less. Praise God for His goodness!!

Join us in exploring the transformative power of entering into the fear of the Lord, where He reigns supreme, guiding us into the fullness of His will.

Key Points:

  1. Clarity in His Voice: Uncover the significance of hearing God's voice with clarity and understanding that true intimacy with Him is the foundation for accomplishing His divine will in our lives. To do this establish a daily routine of personal devotion, including prayer and meditation on Scripture so you can foster a deeper connection with God. Try journaling to record thoughts, feelings, and any promptings or messages that you receive during prayer that will aid you in recognizing God’s voice. You can also seek spiritual mentors who can guide you in discerning God’s voice for insight and advice.

  2. The Fear of the Lord: Explore the concept of entering into the fear of the Lord, recognizing His sovereignty and the raw fear that comes with communing with the One who holds the power to give and take life. To begin the exploration, study scripture and delve into the Bible to understand the biblical concept of the fear of the Lord. Highlight passages that emphasize God’s holiness and sovereignty. Engage in reflective prayers that acknowledge God’s majesty, recognizing His authority and the reverence due to Him. Practice humility by consciously acknowledging God’s supremacy in every aspect of life, fostering an attitude of awe and respect.

  3. Discipline as Disciples: Acknowledge the importance of disciplining ourselves as disciples to run first to Him, seeking His guidance before attempting anything else. Understand that encounters with Him must be the wellspring from which all our actions flow. Try to establish a daily or weekly routine for spiritual disciplines, including prayer, Bible study, and worship. Partner with a friend or mentor for mutual accountability in maintaining disciplined spiritual practices. Utilize online resources, such as devotionals, study plans, and podcasts, to enhance and diversify spiritual disciplines.

  4. The Shift in Approach: Recognize the urgency of a shift in our approach to serving God. No longer can we merely rely on traditional practices; instead, we must seek direct guidance from Him, allowing His voice to lead us in His unique way. Reflect on existing traditions and practices, assessing their effectiveness and alignment with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Prioritize seeking direct guidance from God through prayer before making decisions, allowing room for divine intervention. Stay open to change by cultivating a mindset that embraces change and the leading of the Holy Spirit, recognizing that God may have new and innovative paths for you.

  5. Praise for His Goodness: Conclude the journey with a celebration of God's goodness, praising Him for the opportunity to intimately know and be a part of the great and mighty works He desires to accomplish through those who fear Him. There are many ways to praise Him for His Goodness. You can maintain a gratitude journal, regularly noting instances of God's goodness and faithfulness in your life. Share personal testimonies of God's goodness with others, whether through conversations, social media, or within your community. Participate in corporate worship to collectively express gratitude and praise for God's goodness, fostering a sense of community.

In these transformative times, the call remains steadfast: Seek Him, spend time with Him, and sit at His table. The fear of the Lord becomes the compass that directs our steps, guiding us into a profound and intimate relationship with the Almighty. Embrace this call, discipline yourself as a disciple, and witness the unfolding of His great and mighty works in your life. Praise God for His goodness, as we embark on this journey of reverence and obedience.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Cultivating Confidence in Christ: Grounding Our Identity in Him 

In a world that often challenges our sense of self-worth, it's crucial to ground our confidence in Christ. Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Our confidence isn't rooted in worldly standards but in the unchanging love of our Savior. Cultivating confidence begins by recognizing our identity in Him, understanding that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). 

In a world that bombards us with ever-changing standards of beauty and success, the quest for true confidence can often feel like a daunting journey. However, as Christian women, our source of confidence goes beyond societal expectations; it finds its roots in Christ. 

Understanding Our Identity in Him: 

Philippians 4:13 serves as our guiding light in the pursuit of confidence: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Here, the Apostle Paul reminds us that our strength and abilities come not from worldly measures but from the empowerment we receive through our relationship with Christ. Cultivating confidence, then, begins with acknowledging our identity in Him. 

The Psalmist echoes this sentiment beautifully in Psalm 139:14, declaring, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Our confidence is intricately woven into the fabric of our being, crafted by the Creator who knows us intimately. As daughters of the King, our self-worth is established in the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. 

Breaking Free from Worldly Expectations: 

In a culture that often emphasizes external appearances and material achievements, it's easy to succumb to the pressures of fitting into predefined molds. However, as Christian women, we are called to embrace a different standard. Our confidence is not dictated by the world but anchored in the unchanging love of Christ. 

Rather than conforming to societal norms, Romans 12:2 encourages us to "not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind." The transformation of our minds, guided by God's Word, allows us to break free from the grip of worldly expectations and, instead, find assurance in our identity as beloved children of God. 

Cultivating Confidence Through Christ: 

Cultivating confidence in Christ involves a daily commitment to aligning our thoughts with God's truth. As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, we discover the promises that affirm our worth and purpose. Proverbs 31:25 captures the essence of a confident woman of God, describing her as one who "laughs at the days to come." Her confidence doesn't waver because it is firmly rooted in her trust in the Lord. 

To further enrich your journey in cultivating confidence, consider exploring our devotional on this topic. This devotional offers daily reflections, prayers, and insights to guide you in anchoring your confidence in Christ. Remember, your worth is not determined by the ever-changing standards of the world but by the unchanging love of the One who created you fearfully and wonderfully. Embrace the confidence that comes from knowing your identity in Christ and let it shine brightly in every aspect of your life. #CultivatingConfidence #IdentityInChrist #ChristianConfidence 

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Kelly Boyles Kelly Boyles

Bethlehem's Star: Guiding Us to Jesus

In the quiet town of Bethlehem, beneath the vast canvas of the night sky, a celestial event unfolded that would become eternally woven into the fabric of the Christmas narrative—the appearance of a guiding star that led the Magi to the very presence of Jesus. The significance of this star extends beyond its astronomical marvel; it symbolizes God's intentional guidance, a divine light that directs our hearts toward the ultimate encounter with the Savior.

Matthew 2:1-2 (NIV) introduces us to the Magi who, upon seeing the star, embarked on a journey to find the newborn King. This celestial sign was not a random occurrence but a deliberate manifestation of God's guidance. Just as the star led the Magi to Jesus, God continues to guide us in our journey of faith. The Bible assures us in Psalm 119:105 (NIV), "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Bethlehem's star, a celestial beacon, reminds us that God's guidance is a radiant light that pierces through the darkness, revealing the way to the presence of Christ.

As we navigate the complexities of life, we are not left to wander aimlessly. God's guidance, like Bethlehem's star, is a constant presence in our lives. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding, acknowledging Him in all our ways so that He will make our paths straight. The star that led the Magi was a celestial symphony orchestrated by God, and in our own lives, His guidance may come in various forms—through His Word, prayer, the counsel of fellow believers, or the quiet nudges of the Holy Spirit. Bethlehem's star is a reminder that God is intricately involved in guiding us to Jesus, the source of hope, redemption, and eternal joy.

The journey to Bethlehem teaches us that God's guidance is not just about reaching a destination; it's about encountering Jesus. In Matthew 2:9-10 (NIV), we witness the joy of the Magi when the star stops over the place where Jesus lay, and they "were overjoyed." Likewise, God's guidance is not merely about reaching a point in our lives; it's about encountering the transformative presence of Jesus. The star did not just lead the Magi to a location; it led them to the revelation of the Messiah. In our journey guided by God, we are led not just to circumstances but to a profound encounter with Jesus—a meeting that changes our lives forever. Bethlehem's star beckons us to follow, assuring us that God's guidance is not just about reaching a destination but encountering the Savior who brings light, life, and eternal significance to our journey.

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Kelly Boyles Kelly Boyles

Joseph's Journey: Silent Strength

In the grand tapestry of the Christmas narrative, Joseph's role often stands as a testament to silent strength. His journey is one of quiet obedience and unwavering trust in God, underscoring the importance of humility and faith in the face of unexpected circumstances. The Gospel of Matthew reveals Joseph's pivotal role as the earthly father of Jesus, the Son of God, and it is in his quiet resolve that we find profound lessons for our own lives.

Joseph's silent strength is perhaps most evident in the face of Mary's unexpected pregnancy. Instead of reacting with anger or public disgrace, Joseph chose to divorce Mary quietly to spare her from shame. However, God intervened, sending an angel to reassure Joseph and affirm the divine nature of Mary's conception. In Matthew 1:24-25 (NIV), we read, "When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus." Joseph's immediate obedience to God's instructions reveals a silent strength rooted in trust, showing us that even in the face of uncertainty, God's plan unfolds according to His perfect timing.

Joseph's journey invites us to reflect on the lessons of silent strength, obedience, and trust in our own lives. In a world that often values assertiveness and visible accomplishments, Joseph's humility teaches us that greatness lies in surrendering to God's will. Proverbs 3:5-6 echoes this sentiment, urging us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Joseph's unwavering trust in God's plan, despite the unconventional circumstances, challenges us to embrace faith over fear and to trust that God's purpose will prevail even in the midst of life's uncertainties. As we celebrate the Christmas story, Joseph's silent strength serves as a timeless reminder that God's ways are higher, and our obedience, even when quiet and unseen, plays a significant role in His divine plan.

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Kelly Boyles Kelly Boyles

The Faithful Yes: Drawing Inspiration from Mary's Obedience

In the tapestry of biblical narratives, one figure stands out for her unwavering trust and obedience to God's plan—Mary, the mother of Jesus. Her journey unfolds in the Gospel of Luke, where the angel Gabriel appears to her, bearing the divine message that she, a young virgin, would conceive and give birth to the Savior of the world. In the face of uncertainty and societal norms, Mary's response echoes through the ages, "I am the Lord's servant. May your word to me be fulfilled" (Luke 1:38, NIV). Mary's resolute "yes" to God's plan serves as an enduring testament to the power of faith and obedience.

Mary's journey was not without challenges. In a society that could have shunned her for an unplanned pregnancy, she faced potential rejection and societal stigma. Yet, her steadfast faith in God's promises fueled her courage. Her willingness to embrace God's plan with humility and trust serves as a beacon for believers today. Mary's story resonates as a reminder that God's call may lead us into unknown territories, but in our obedience, we find His grace to sustain us. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Mary's obedience is not just a historical account but a timeless example that encourages us to say "yes" to God's calling in our own lives. When faced with uncertainty, Mary didn't rely on her own strength but placed her trust in the Almighty. Similarly, we are called to trust and obey, knowing that God's plans for us are good and purposeful. In Jeremiah 29:11, God assures us, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Mary's journey becomes a narrative that challenges us to relinquish control, embrace God's will, and find peace in the knowledge that His plans far exceed our understanding.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Abundant Life

Jesus told us that not only did He come that we may have life, but that we could have it abundantly. This is a beautiful truth, but it can be something that is easily glanced over. So we have abundant life available to us. Right. We know that it comes from Jesus, from His sacrifice and His taking away the punishment for sin. But what does an abundant life look like? In what ways do our lives become abundant. I know that myself, and many other ministers would be quick to answer that question with “in every way!” response. And that is a truthful answer. But how do we walk that out? How do we enter in to that type of life? That is where things have an opportunity to become muddled.

I listen to lots of teaching. I take notes during sermons and conferences. I study the Word. I pray. I do all these things as I have heard mighty men and women of God describe. I listen to worship music, mostly songs that take scriptures and put them to music. Songs that sing of God’s goodness and His faithfulness. And it is in that place right there that we can very easily miss it. How? If we are doing those things, aren’t we doing the right thing after all? Aren’t we living according to God’s Word? Absolutely. When we sit under different teachings, different ministers who all have different giftings and anointings on their lives, we can be encouraged and enlightened to so much so fast. And we can grab hold of so many principles, godly principles, that will produce fruit in our lives and prove God’s Word true. And we can still feel empty. We can still understand in our spirit that something just isn’t what it should be. Or even worse, we can do all these things and see almost nothing. We can set out and do the things that God has told us to do, we can follow it, step out in faith, do as we’ve been instructed; and not see the results we thought we would see. We can even fail to see the things God told us we would see.

Then what? Is it God’s fault? It would be easy to blame Him, after all, He said to do it, so if I have done it and it isn’t looking like it should it’s obviously on Him. Sure, there are times things take longer than we want, but that’s not so much what I’m focusing in on. I’m speaking directly to the root of what is behind a lot of our frustrations; and like it or not, it’s not God. It is literally impossible for it to be His fault. Why? Simple answer: He’s perfect. His timing, His ways, His thoughts, and His plans. All of it and all of Him are perfect. So, what could possibly be behind this? Maybe it’s because we aren’t reading long enough, maybe

if we just pray more. Or I know, maybe if I serve more and try to be involved in every little thing that goes on at church. Maybe sow more seed, increase my tithe. That’ll surely bring it all about, right? Maybe. It might very well be a portion of some of those things. But at the root of every single one of those examples lies an issue that gets passed over all too often and ultimately leads to struggle and set backs. What is it? No foundation. Or maybe there was a foundation, but it has become weak and eroded with busyness. What is that foundation? Our relationship with the Lord. The time and energy we purposely pour into spending time with Him for one reason and one reason alone: to know Him. He has plans for us. But they are just that: HIS plans. And guess Who it is that wants to reveal those plans to you? Hint: it isn’t any human. The Living God, the Author of Creation, The Great I AM wants to reveal them to you.

And that’s why we can get off track so easily if we aren’t vigilant. How can we or will we ever know what those plans are if we don’t purpose to spend time with Him? How will we learn to hear His voice and know His heart if we don’t set aside time for and with Him? We won’t. Consider this: one of the most important keys to any healthy relationship is communication. When there is no communication between you and the other person in the relationship, what happens? Misunderstandings, assumptions, confusion, frustration, and inevitability, a drifting apart takes place. Why? Because there is no communication. There is no investment. No purposing to speak with and listen to the other person. That’s how we come to know people. As we spend time with them, listen to what they have to say and see their actions, it reveals what is in their heart. So how can we ever possibly hope to truly and intimately know our God, our Heavenly Father, if we never communicate with Him? If we never set out to get to know Him. He is the One we have covenant with now. As His children He has established His covenant with us. And that fact brings forth the single greatest truth we must learn to grab hold of: there is no relationship more important than our relationship with Him. None. Are you married? Great, you’ll need to understand that you will never truly gain the capacity to perfectly love your spouse without a relationship with our Father. He knows our spouses better than we do. And let’s ask ourselves this question before we go any further: would our marriages be possible without communication? No. They would fall apart. If I only told my wife “I love you” on our wedding day, and never spoke those words to her again, how could I expect her to show me love and speak those words to me? I can’t just assume she knows. It would be insane to think “well, I told her I loved her once. She should know. I meant what I said.” Relationship doesn’t work like that. But there are times when we treat our relationship with our Father that exact way. We come to Christ, give our lives to Him, we thank Him, we praise Him, but then what? Oh, the “honeymoon phase” wears off, and the new and shininess of my relationship with Him dulls a bit. And slowly but surely, we become more and more busy, more and more task driven, and turn spending time with Him into a checklist of spiritual and holy things I “need to get done” to fulfill my religious requirements. Wow. Talk about the fast track to lukewarm relationship. And that is not a very good place to be in. I can say that because I have been there. Heck, I was there and didn’t even realize it!! What happened?

I left my first love. I forgot the very thing that drew me to Him in the first place: His love. It became about doing things for Him instead of walking with Him. It turned into working for Him instead of Him working through me. I allowed my fire to slowly turn into embers, and it happened sitting in church, going to conferences, singing praise and worship songs. I gave my life to Him. I devoted the days I have left on this earth to do whatever He says to do. So how in the world is this possible? Because my heart became about the things of God and not God Himself. It became about doing certain things to bear certain fruit. It became about saying certain things because they were the right things to say. Doing things I knew I was supposed to do, but it was to try and impress God. Convince Him to love me more. He can’t. Can He be more pleased with me? Absolutely. But it doesn’t come from just doing and saying what I know I should. It has to come from my heart. It has to come out of the love I have for Him. Why? Because everything He says and does for me comes from the love He has for me. I have covenant with Him. That means I get ALL of Him, not just partial. I get ALL of His best. That compels me to give Him ALL of my best. Is it enough? Not in my power or strength. But when it comes from the love I have for Him, and the place of being in Christ Jesus, He is in fact well pleased. Jesus sacrifice wasn’t made as a “get out of Hell free” card. It isn’t fire insurance. Jesus took the penalty of sin, removed it from our lives, so we could once again come back into the presence of our Creator and live in relationship with Him. Right now. Not once we die. Yes, we will be with Him in eternity. But we have been made right in His sight through the blood of Christ. That is what has established the covenant. And in that place we are in right standing with Him right now, and in that have the ability to walk in constant communion with God RIGHT NOW!! No other generation has had the ability to do that since Adam and Eve. Yes, there are people God used all through out time to do His will. Yes, He set them aside and they had fellowship. But this is different. This covenant is better. Why? Because it’s for ANYONE who chooses to enter into it. It is for EVERYONE! That is the love of God on full display. You want relationship with Him? You can have it. Just know it comes at a cost. You get to lay down your life. And that is the other key to being able to remain in fellowship and communion with Him: He made me, He has plans for me, He has things for me, but to gain access to any of it, I MUST lay down my life. It is no longer about what I want. I can’t check off a list of do’s and don’ts to get what I want. It doesn’t work like that. But laying my life down realizing that what He has to offer is far greater than anything I could muster up on my best day.

This is the place we must return to as the church. As His people. His children. He gave us the right to become those things. It isn’t automatic. It is determined by the posture of our hearts. It is where the cliché saying came from “it isn’t about religion, it’s about a relationship.” It is well said. But it takes work. Not because what He’s done in us is incomplete, but because we still live in a world that is riddled with distractions and lies all aimed at keeping us separated from Him. All that said to say this: keep it simple. The main thing has to stay the main thing: we are made to be in relationship with our Father, and our lives are designed to flow from that place. So the most important and main thing has to be our relationship with Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing. Only God can reveal His plans for you, only God can lead you where He wants you to go. And the only way to hear and receive those things is to spend time with Him. Every other principle, every other promise in all of scripture will come to pass from that place. Every thing we are made for is built upon our relationship with Him. How strong that relationship is will depend on one person: me. No one else can do it for me. Jesus made the way. Now I must choose to walk it out. Christ is the Rock. His sacrifice is what gives me the right to come before God. That is what my life is built on. And my life is abundant, because my relationship with my Father is abundant. Choose now, go out and get all He has for you. Choose abundance. Choose life. Choose Him!

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Jesus said come as you are. What He didn’t say was stay that way. His

word tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we

can know what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is. The New Living

Translation says let God transform you into a new person by changing

the way you think. So we have to keep in mind that when we walk in

ways that aren’t according to God’s word and His desires for our

lives, His correction won’t appeal to our feelings. God is loving. God

is good. But our flesh can steer our emotions, and our flesh is

contrary to God. If our flesh “isn’t that bad” He wouldn’t have had to

die for our sins. He loved us enough to die for us, to meet us right

where we’re at, but He didn’t die so we could just stay there. Hence

the need to change the way we think. His commands and ways are for our

benefit. Our flesh and its inherit sinful nature bring bondage. Funny

how the enemy can trick you into believing it’s the other way around.

Be mindful of that family. We were bought at the highest cost

imaginable!! Embrace what He has and crucify your flesh. He died and

gave us access to all of it, we just have to decide if we want His

way, or ours, and in these last days, our ways will cost us

everything. His ways will bring us everything. Be blessed this

beautiful day!!

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and

wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look

for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to

hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.”

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

A La Carte

We do not get to pick and choose.

God’s Word is not an al a carte menu. As His children and His people, we don’t get to pick and choose which words best fit how we feel or what we want and discard the rest. His Word is complete, the total package, and it reveals His will for each and every one of us. If we receive it all with gladness and allow it to transform who we are, we will see things we never thought possible as we walk in His will for us.

If we pick and choose which parts we want and leave the rest, we will remain frustrated and be constantly asking ourselves why things are so frustrating. Why aren’t things going the way we want? And without realizing it, the answer will be right there in the question we just asked: we want things our way.

We say we want God’s way, but if we’re honest, what we really desire is for God to give us what we want; for God to carry out our will for our lives. It wasn’t about His will for us, like spoiled brats we just want Him to give us what we want. And we will continue on until we learn to embrace His Word in all its fullness. Because when we do that, we will finally get the revelation that this life He blessed us with isn’t all about us. It’s all about Him. It always was. By His grace, mercy and love, we get to be a part of it.

Receive all the Lord has for you this day. Don’t wait. We know and say that we aren’t promised tomorrow, but fail to realize we aren’t guaranteed the next moment. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. This is the key to seeing our nation healed. Not a certain candidate, not a political move, but a wave of humility bringing us back to our first love. If we want to see change, it requires us to move.

God did His part: He died to give us access to everything we will ever need to live a life we never thought possible, He died to make us fit vessels for His Spirit, so His works could be done though us just like they were done through Jesus. So it’s up to us, His people, to do our part. We can sit back and cry out in prayer for God to move, but God isn’t going to do for us what He died to give us the ability to do.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Let Your Roots Grow Down

Colossians 2:7-10

“Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ. For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body. So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2‬:‭7‬-‭10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Growth is intentional. It is never something that happens by chance. When we come to the place where we realize we won’t have the abundant life we are made for apart from Christ, we are at a beautiful place. But just because we give our lives to Him doesn’t mean everything is perfect. What happens when we give our lives to Him is we are washed clean, reconciled to our Heavenly Father, and placed in position to do great things. At that point, the ball is back in our court, so to speak. Yes, we are saved, yes we are going to heaven. But what about now?

What will we do with the life we have in front of us while we remain on this earth? The choice is ours. God has a plan and a purpose for each one of us, and as we begin to walk that out, we must constantly seek to put aside our wants and desires for His. The apostle Paul said that he died daily. Putting his flesh under to fully grab hold of all Christ had for Him.

This is why growth doesn’t just happen. It’s a choice. Jesus loves us so much that He is more than willing to meet us right where we’re at. But it’s that same love He has for us that causes Him to call us deeper. Deeper into a relationship with Him, desiring for us to become more and more like Himself. He loves us so much, He comes and meets us where we’re at, but He also refuses to leave us that way.

And just like the choice we have to receive Him as Lord and Savior, the choice to step into all He has for us is ours and ours alone. No one can do it for us. That’s what it means to allow our roots to grow down into Him. Allow Him to lead, trust Him, spend time with Him, obey Him, and watch as you go places you never thought possible. The deeper our roots grow in Him, the more stable we become, the stronger we get. That’s because we are becoming more and more like Him.

Church, let your roots grow down into Him, allow Him to set you on the path He has for you, not the path you think you should be on or the path others think you should be on. Don’t waste another second trying to become good enough, holy enough, righteous enough on your own. It will never work that way. Let Him establish you. Let Him make you new from the inside out. Allow Him to work through you to do exploits in His name. The days are getting shorter, and there is much work to do. Everyone needs to hear the Good News. Everyone needs the opportunity to choose life. Be His vessel.

If you are reading this and don’t know Jesus, but you want to know Him and see Him one day in heaven, you’re only one prayer away from blessed assurance. Just pray “Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. Please forgive me for the things I’ve done. I receive You right now as Lord and Savior. I believe that You died for me on the cross, that You were buried, and resurrected on the third day! Thank You Jesus, for saving me! Amen!”

If you prayed that prayer for the first time, let me know in the comments!!

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles


A word many do not like in today’s world!

Submission. It’s a word many people don’t like. In our hyper sensitive, feelings focused culture it tends to be frowned upon. In all that, let’s touch on 2 points:

1- God arranged things in such a way that there is always authority in our lives. He is the ultimate authority. We have parents, grandparents, bosses, managers, supervisors, pastors, the list goes on. Here is a question to consider: if we can’t submit to those authorities that we can see, touch, and talk to face to face, how on earth can we expect to submit to God? We can’t see Him, we can’t touch Him. But He isn’t powerful based on those things, He is powerful based on the truth that He is God. Doesn’t matter how much we might not like it. He is still Creator, Ruler, Father. The only thing that changes how that works in our lives is our decision to accept or refuse that truth. Which leads to the second point.

2- If we refuse to submit to God, to the people He has placed in our lives, it means one thing and one thing only: we’ve submitted to the enemy and his lies. We find ourselves walking in rebellion, pride, self seeking, and arrogance. Those things will always cause us to rationalize why we’re right, and everyone else is wrong. Whenever correction comes from an authority in our life, we have an excuse as to why they are the ones out of line. They are always the one to be out of line or making a mistake. It’s never us.

We are all free to choose. That’s the beauty of the love the Father has for each and every one of us. We are free to choose. But our choice and how His ways make us feel don’t cause Him to change His ways. He stays the same. There is no shifting or changing in Him. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Regardless of what choice we make, we have to remember this: we are submitting to one of two things: light or darkness.

The Lord chastens those whom He loves. His correction never feels good when it exposes what we’re doing wrong. But the correction is for our good. Which brings it back around to the place of choosing. What do we truly want? Our way? Or His way? Blessing, or curse, life or death? He has set before each and every one of us these choices. He desires us to choose life, blessing, and honor.

To receive those wonderful things, there is one thing we must do: submit. Without the ability to submit to authority, our lives will always be like a rollercoaster. But it will be because of our choices, not His. He is good, His ways are good. We were made to walk in good works. Will we submit ourselves to Him to be used for those good works? The choice is ours. Each and every day. Choose wisely.

Read what the Lord has to say in Deuteronomy 30:15-20. Here’s a taste:

“See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭30‬:‭15‬-‭16‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Be Transformed

Be Transformed by the renewing of your mind!

By the renewing of your mind.

Jesus said come as you are. What He didn’t say was stay that way. His word tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so we can know what His good, pleasing, and perfect will is. The New Living Translation says let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. So we have to keep in mind that when we walk in ways that aren’t according to God’s word and His desires for our lives, His correction won’t appeal to our feelings. God is loving. God is good. But our flesh can steer our emotions, and our flesh is contrary to God. If our flesh “isn’t that bad” He wouldn’t have had to die for our sins.

He loved us enough to die for us, to meet us right where we’re at, but He didn’t die so we could just stay there. Hence the need to change the way we think. His commands and ways are for our benefit. Our flesh and its inherit sinful nature bring bondage. Funny how the enemy can trick you into believing it’s the other way around. Be mindful of that family.

We were bought at the highest cost imaginable!! Embrace what He has and crucify your flesh. He died and gave us access to all of it, we just have to decide if we want His way, or ours, and in these last days, our ways will cost us everything. His ways will bring us everything. Be blessed this beautiful day!!

“For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.”

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