A La Carte

We do not get to pick and choose.

God’s Word is not an al a carte menu. As His children and His people, we don’t get to pick and choose which words best fit how we feel or what we want and discard the rest. His Word is complete, the total package, and it reveals His will for each and every one of us. If we receive it all with gladness and allow it to transform who we are, we will see things we never thought possible as we walk in His will for us.

If we pick and choose which parts we want and leave the rest, we will remain frustrated and be constantly asking ourselves why things are so frustrating. Why aren’t things going the way we want? And without realizing it, the answer will be right there in the question we just asked: we want things our way.

We say we want God’s way, but if we’re honest, what we really desire is for God to give us what we want; for God to carry out our will for our lives. It wasn’t about His will for us, like spoiled brats we just want Him to give us what we want. And we will continue on until we learn to embrace His Word in all its fullness. Because when we do that, we will finally get the revelation that this life He blessed us with isn’t all about us. It’s all about Him. It always was. By His grace, mercy and love, we get to be a part of it.

Receive all the Lord has for you this day. Don’t wait. We know and say that we aren’t promised tomorrow, but fail to realize we aren’t guaranteed the next moment. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. This is the key to seeing our nation healed. Not a certain candidate, not a political move, but a wave of humility bringing us back to our first love. If we want to see change, it requires us to move.

God did His part: He died to give us access to everything we will ever need to live a life we never thought possible, He died to make us fit vessels for His Spirit, so His works could be done though us just like they were done through Jesus. So it’s up to us, His people, to do our part. We can sit back and cry out in prayer for God to move, but God isn’t going to do for us what He died to give us the ability to do.


2 Timothy 4:3-4


Let Your Roots Grow Down