Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 39: No Compromise

Join Joe, Kelly and Ashlyn as we discuss what it means to have no compromise in your beliefs. When the world and people around you are telling you what you think is wrong, it is important to stand for what you believe. Those things that people may try to tell you to change may be just the things that God has given you so you can speak out when no one else will.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 33: Built on the Rock: Navigating Challenges

Join Joe and Kelly as they discuss navigating challenges in everyday life as a christian and how things can look from a biblical perspective. They talk about people in the bible that had to navigate challenges and how they rose above those challenges to become who God called them to be.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 27: Built on the Rock

Listen as we dive into Matthew 7:24-27 and uncover the profound wisdom of building our lives on the solid foundation of faith in Jesus Christ.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 23: Forgiveness

Joe and Kelly start off a new series about the Keys to Freedom with an episode on forgiveness. They discuss Matthew 6 and how we are called to forgive everyone multiple times. Unforgiveness can be detrimental to your health and lead to issues in the future. They discuss how forgiveness was given freely by Jesus for all of our sins. How forgiveness was hard for Kelly after Joe came to Christ and she "waited for the other shoe to drop."

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 22: Whosoever

Join Joe, Kelly & Ashlyn as they discuss the verse John 3:16. It is one of the most popular verses that everyone knows and can recite from memory. They get into a discussion about where the word Bible comes from. Who is a whosoever and why is that important to your life. More importantly everyone knows John 3:16 but keep reading and learn what John 3:17 says.

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Joseph Boyles Joseph Boyles

Episode 21: The Girls Take Over

Ashlyn and Kelly take over the podcast while Joe is away. They discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of social media. How can you keep your eyes focused on God and still use social media?

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