Embracing the Fear of the Lord: A Call to Seek, Spend Time, and Sit at His Table


In these last days being able to hear Him with complete clarity and know Him intimately is the only thing that matters. It will be from that place that the Lord uses us to accomplish His will. There is no amount of thinking and guessing and planning that will accomplish that which He desires to do. This push is different than any other move of God. We can have burning hearts and great revelation of the Word, but if we do not allow the One who wrote the Word and is the Word to speak to us and lead us, we will fall short. Plain and simple. This comes from entering into the fear of the Lord. That place where He reigns supreme because of the understanding that the only One who has the power to give life and ultimately take it is in control and desires for us to be a part of what He is doing. This must be at the forefront of our lives. That reverential, raw fear of understanding Who exactly it is we are communing with. He has great and mighty works He desires to do, but there is no longer just skating by with doing things as they have always been done or the way we know to do them. Those things are only a starting point, not what will carry us through. Before we run anywhere else we must discipline ourselves as disciples to first run to Him and allow Him to point us in the direction He has for us to go. Everything we do must come from our encounters with Him. We run to Him and let Him tell us what to do. Nothing more. Nothing less. Praise God for His goodness!!

Join us in exploring the transformative power of entering into the fear of the Lord, where He reigns supreme, guiding us into the fullness of His will.

Key Points:

  1. Clarity in His Voice: Uncover the significance of hearing God's voice with clarity and understanding that true intimacy with Him is the foundation for accomplishing His divine will in our lives. To do this establish a daily routine of personal devotion, including prayer and meditation on Scripture so you can foster a deeper connection with God. Try journaling to record thoughts, feelings, and any promptings or messages that you receive during prayer that will aid you in recognizing God’s voice. You can also seek spiritual mentors who can guide you in discerning God’s voice for insight and advice.

  2. The Fear of the Lord: Explore the concept of entering into the fear of the Lord, recognizing His sovereignty and the raw fear that comes with communing with the One who holds the power to give and take life. To begin the exploration, study scripture and delve into the Bible to understand the biblical concept of the fear of the Lord. Highlight passages that emphasize God’s holiness and sovereignty. Engage in reflective prayers that acknowledge God’s majesty, recognizing His authority and the reverence due to Him. Practice humility by consciously acknowledging God’s supremacy in every aspect of life, fostering an attitude of awe and respect.

  3. Discipline as Disciples: Acknowledge the importance of disciplining ourselves as disciples to run first to Him, seeking His guidance before attempting anything else. Understand that encounters with Him must be the wellspring from which all our actions flow. Try to establish a daily or weekly routine for spiritual disciplines, including prayer, Bible study, and worship. Partner with a friend or mentor for mutual accountability in maintaining disciplined spiritual practices. Utilize online resources, such as devotionals, study plans, and podcasts, to enhance and diversify spiritual disciplines.

  4. The Shift in Approach: Recognize the urgency of a shift in our approach to serving God. No longer can we merely rely on traditional practices; instead, we must seek direct guidance from Him, allowing His voice to lead us in His unique way. Reflect on existing traditions and practices, assessing their effectiveness and alignment with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Prioritize seeking direct guidance from God through prayer before making decisions, allowing room for divine intervention. Stay open to change by cultivating a mindset that embraces change and the leading of the Holy Spirit, recognizing that God may have new and innovative paths for you.

  5. Praise for His Goodness: Conclude the journey with a celebration of God's goodness, praising Him for the opportunity to intimately know and be a part of the great and mighty works He desires to accomplish through those who fear Him. There are many ways to praise Him for His Goodness. You can maintain a gratitude journal, regularly noting instances of God's goodness and faithfulness in your life. Share personal testimonies of God's goodness with others, whether through conversations, social media, or within your community. Participate in corporate worship to collectively express gratitude and praise for God's goodness, fostering a sense of community.

In these transformative times, the call remains steadfast: Seek Him, spend time with Him, and sit at His table. The fear of the Lord becomes the compass that directs our steps, guiding us into a profound and intimate relationship with the Almighty. Embrace this call, discipline yourself as a disciple, and witness the unfolding of His great and mighty works in your life. Praise God for His goodness, as we embark on this journey of reverence and obedience.


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