From Lucifer to Redemption: The Power of Choice in the Battle for Our Souls

Before he was known as Satan, he was Lucifer. The highest of all the angels, the most beautiful of them all. He stood before God’s throne. But he became infatuated with himself, his beauty, and decided rather than worship God, he would make himself a throne and set it above God so he could be worshipped. This got him thrown out of heaven. His desire to be worshipped over God. And when he showed up in the garden, what was the first thing he did? Went to Eve and caused her to question what God said. It wasn’t to set her or Adam free, it was to get them to forfeit their authority and separate them from God. Cause confusion, divide, and conquer. All for the purpose of defeating us.

Satan knew he couldn’t take our authority, we had to give it up. Don’t get it twisted, he wants us dead. He does not like us, all he wants is for us to suffer his fate: eternity in hell. God is good, and He doesn’t send anyone to hell. It’s actually us who determine where we go. It’s our choice, because if He forced it on us, it wouldn’t be love. Which brings us to this last place: If someone you love was an alcoholic and they struggled mightily with it, and they were so drunk they were in danger of hurting themselves or others, are you going to buy them a drink and encourage them to keep going, or would you be willing to tell them that what they’re doing is going to kill them and they need help, even if that makes them mad? If you love them, you would tell them the truth.

Love isn’t about making sure someone feels good, love is about what’s best for the person. Even if it’s hard to say. You can’t force it, you can’t make them, but you can tell the truth and be completely up front. It’s up to them what they do with it. Same goes with God. He’s given us the Truth and the Way, and His name is Jesus….its up to us what we do with it. Just know that when He comes back, that’s it. There’s no do-overs. There’s no one more chance. He has blessed us with a lifetime of opportunities to choose Him and receive life, or choose what we want and receive death. Choose wisely.


Be Humble


Embracing the Fear of the Lord: A Call to Seek, Spend Time, and Sit at His Table