Unveiling the Deception: Understanding the Battle for Your Soul

”The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the Lord God had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”“

Genesis 3:1 NLT

With so many streams of information available at our finger tips, it’s no wonder it becomes tough to know what to believe or ignore. But take just a second, and note something from the scripture above: the very first thing the devil did when he spoke to Eve was to take what God said and twist it. If you have read Genesis, you know this well. God has created everything, made man (humans) in His image, placed them in the garden and told them to tend it, keep it, and take dominion (authority) over His creation. Yes, God gave us authority over His creation. It was our job to take care of and watch over that which He created, hence us being made in His image and likeness.

They can eat of any tree that bears fruit, EXCEPT for the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They are not to touch it or take from it. Enter the devil, aka satan, aka the enemy. To save a lot of time and catch everyone up, satan is a fallen angel who was thrown out of heaven because of pride and his main purpose for his remaining days are to steal, kill, and destroy as many of us as he can. So how does he do it? He takes what God has established and created, and he perverts it. He twists it. He tells half truths to get you to believe something that isn’t true.

Now think about all the things you see going on in the world today, and view it through that lense. Can you see it? The devil takes some things and twists it just a little. Some things a lot. Some things he leaves just enough truth in it to make it seem okay. But a half truth is a whole lie. And just like his first encounter with Eve, he introduces doubt. “God didn’t really say…..” the enemy knows full well what God said, but he wants to see just how well we know what God has said. And that is where he operates the most. Scripture says “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”

Here is the truth: we are in the middle of a war, like it or not. No, not the Russia/Ukraine war, not a war in the Middle East, but the war for our very souls. God desires for each and every person to come to know Him through Jesus Christ.

And the enemy? The enemy wants you to be so distracted, deceived, and confused that you don’t even understand what way is up. Why? So you stay separated from the One who made you and seeks to bless you with a life you never thought possible.

“Then why does a good God send people to hell?” He doesn’t. He actually made a way for you to be awakened to the truth, give you power over the enemy, and set you up for not just an eternity in heaven, but a blessed life right now.

It all comes back to choice. That’s why the enemy wants you to think God is oppressive and like a dictator. That following Him means a life of do’s and dont’s. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. The very illusion of freedom the devil presents to you is the very thing that enslaves you. We become subject to every desire of our flesh.

Controlled by impulses and emotions. Our love no longer resemble a journey but rather a roller coaster of insanity.

But Jesus said “come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Does that sound like an oppressive and harsh God? No. Because He isn’t. He has nothing but good things for each one of us, but to receive it, we must choose it. We choose Him over ourselves.

Grab hold of this truth: time as we know it is winding down. God is calling you home, into His arms, and to a place in His house. What do you have to lose? Depression? Anxiety? Stress? God is calling you. Answer the call. Break the power of lies and the enemy right now. All it takes is a heart cry to Christ.

Jesus, I believe You are the Savior of the world. I believe You gave Your life to pay the penalty that was mine for my sins. I repent (turn away from) of all my sins and ask You to come into my heart and be my Lord and my Savior. It’s that simple. I pray for anyone who is struggling right now, and encourage you to run to God, not away from Him. He has great things for you. I love you, and more importantly; God loves you. Blessings.


Be Humble